Thursday, December 19, 2013

Creative Thinking Project 5 ( First Semester)

Project's Subject: A Positive & Negative Christmas

Christmas Cards!!!
That was actually our project, to create a Christmas card for one of the listed companies that was given to us. Our solution should utilise positive & negative space in a creative way....

But our professor kind of changed that. Instead of all the things above we had to create a card that would catch our receiver's attention, keep him entertained  and not to get bored of it easy. We also change the type of the card and instead of the usual 2-D paper card we had to do something more of a 3-D....

Our professor told us to do some boards too. A mood board, a theme board and an inspiration...

Theme Board

Mood Board

Inspiration Board

(coming soon....)

I think I am going to change them all... I had made the theme board before our professor told us to do something 3-D like...
 my company
Rough Drafts Examples

 Company Subject: Grocer

Card 1

Carrots tied together from the upper side with a gold like ribbon making a big snowflake decoration!

Card 2

Potatoes in plastic bag along with a folded paper with directions on how to make your own potato Christmas stamps. 

Card 3

Ginger with a paper tag that says "Merry Christmas" from one side and the other has a cooking recipe about how to make your own ginger bread.

Card 4

A paper bag full of apples, a small plastic bag with caramel powder and a scroll with directions on how to make caramel apples.

Other ideas

  1. Christmas calendar card with dried fruits
  2. A Christmas card inside a plastic bag because the letter of "Merry Christmas" etc. are actual fruit jellies

 New Ideas

Card 5

Carrot, cleaned  ready to eat, with white chocolate or white sauce on it and a cherry on top, looking like a Christmas tree. There's also a small tag with the "Merry Christmas" written.

Card 6

Card that has stencil fruit cutters, like the shape cutter with have for the biscuits but for the fruits, to give to your fruit salad a Christmas feeling.

Other Ideas
  1. Ice cubes plastic shapes to create the letter of merry Christmas with fruit juice.
  2. Build your own snowman with fruit juice kit.

Friday, December 13, 2013


Today we had another Ink Class!!!

I think I got better and better each time!!!  ^.^

Monday, November 11, 2013

Comic Artist Magazine

It's really amazing the things you can find at issuu! 

Here is another magazine that got my attention. This one is about comic and manga art. What's even better? 
This magazine is one of the special editions of ImagineFX magazine!!!

According to description:

Creating Comic and Manga art is a fantastic way to hone your digital art skills. 
Whether you want to learn how to draw anatomy, ink manga characters, compose environments or paint expressive figures, mastering the fundamentals of comic art will improve your techniques and skills as an artist.
Inside this special issue of ImagineFX you will discover how to refine your line with expert artists including Stanley Lau and learn how to mix 3D software techniques with 2D in order to plan your comic page environments with 2000 AD's Dylan Teague.
Contents include:
  • Improve your comic workflow
  • Compose a group of characters
  • Use personality in your art
  • Paint an original character
  • Plus much more!

I want to add that at the 'Plus much more!' up there there is a special Disc along with the magazine, the printed edition, I don't know about the digital one...
Inside this Disc you can find Video Tutorials from famous comic artists along with some special help video tutorials by Stanley Lau, Paco Rico Torres and PJ Holden.
There are also Process Images of all the tutorials inside the magazine with the artists' original tutorial images, sketches and WIPs.

Final Artwork, each tutorials final artwork has been collected inside the Disc in a big digital galery so that is easier for us to study the artwork (and adore it like god!).
And something really special, Custom Brushes!

A small sneak peak at the first pages!

One reason why I loved it is because it has information, examples and tutorials of all kind of comic!!!

Oh how much I fell in love with that girl in black leather clothes!!! I'm so jealous!!
I want to do something like this too....

As you can see from just those few images we are talking about  great variety!

This magazine was published on September 2013.
A site where you can buy it from is

You can read a sample for free on issuu

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Juxtapoz Magazine

I was kind of confused at first with this magazine. I couldn't understand from the first pages what exactly it was. There were a lot of product advertising, especialy about clothes and accesorises. Later I found that it was an art, culture and design magazine.
There are a lot of interviews and articles about many artists of all kinds. There is also a great variety of art work presented. I found many artists that caught my attention with their work and I didn't know about them before. There are a lot of interesting articles too.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Creative Thinking Project 2 (First Semester) - Part C

Project's Subject: Typography  Word's "Crown" Finals

Crown's final
It was decided that the crown word should change. My professor suggets to try and find a font that will have the "w" look like a crown instead of making my own...
So, I made an imahe list with some fonts...

Well, the ones that I prefer are 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 11...
What do you think?

Creative Thinking Project 2 (First Semester) - Part B

Project's Subject: Typography Finals

Finals selection
So, from the rough drafts we ended in three words. I made all of them as they will be in their final stages. One of them will be chosen as the final one and then I'll have to design the storyboard of its animated version.

1st word : Corner
I made this word with too different fonts since I wasn't sure which one I should chose.

1st Arial Rounded

2nd Arial Bold

2nd word : Crown

3rd word : Depressed

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Creative Thinking Project 2 (First Semester) - Part A

Project's Subject: Typography Drafts

Rough drafts example ideas.
For this project we had to choose a word from a spesific list and design it int that way that it represents its meaning.





 I though of this one as the edges of the word are pullingaway from each other...I didn't design it like that though...

 The first one I thought of it as the slide accounting before a movie start. The second as some rock or ice like letters falling to the ground making it crack all over, just like we say the end of the world. 

I thought of the "S" letter as the curves of a woman's body which's being covered by a towel but the it drops.



The letter "P" falls forward  hitting and crassing down poor little "i" ehich screams in pain... The "i" could be thought as a human or something...

Parallel lines coming from opposite directions...


The letter "d" puff's up in pride...


Friday, October 18, 2013

Creative Thinking Project 1 (First Semester)

Project's Subject: King

For this project we were supposed to find about 10 images which are being connected to one specific word.

Style or Photograph


A piece of design



Digital Artwork





Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy First Year to College!!!

Happy New College Year!!!!

So "Happy New School Year" to all AAS College's students!!!

I hope this year, our first year, to pass smoothly with no stress  but lots of fun!!!

Let's all have a creative brain storm from now on!!!

And don't forget, we are who we are, we love to create, we love to imagine and we so damn love to dream!!!

Let us be the future of this stupid world!!!

Let's get started!!!